Dietary Fibber…

Here’s an interesting post I found when trying to find out what polydextrose was on a protein supplement label. Dietary Fibber Don’t be fooled by polydextrose and other fiber additives. By Jacob GershmanPosted Wednesday, March 11, 2009, at 6:38 AM ET Cocoa Pebbles.I was eating Cocoa Pebbles recently for dinner (yes, I’m a bachelor) when I noticed something strange on the nutrition label. Cocoa Pebbles, according to the box, is a “good source of fiber.” Who knew that I could get as many grams of fiber from Cocoa Pebbles as I could from a bowl of Cheerios or a slice of whole wheat bread? After a little research, I learned that higher doses of fiber are showing up in all sorts of bizarre places, like yogurts, cookies, brownies, ice creams, and diet drinks. Fiber, perhaps the only nutrient to be mocked in a Saturday Night Live parody commercial, is getting a makeover. And although we’re eating more of it, it’s not the same nutrient we’ve always known.

The fiber in Cocoa Pebbles comes from a little-known ingredient called polydextrose, which is synthesized from glucose and sorbitol, a low-calorie carbohydrate. Polydextrose is one of several newfangled fiber additives (including inulin and maltodextrin) showing up in dairy and baked-goods products that previously had little to no fiber. Recent FDA approvals have given manufacturers a green light to add polydextrose to a much broader range of products than previously permitted, allowing food companies to entice health-conscious consumers who normally crinkle their noses at high-fiber products due to the coarse and bitter taste of the old-fashioned roughage. These fiber additives serve dual purposes—they can serve as bulking agents to make reduced-calorie products taste better, such as the case with Breyers fat-free ice cream, and carry an added appeal to consumers by showing up as dietary fiber on food labels.

The problem with this is that nobody knows if these fiber additives possess the same health benefits as natural fiber found in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Fiber, which consists of nondigestible carbohydrates, was already one of the least understood nutrients even before the introduction of ingredients like polydextrose. Nutritionists and scientists have wrestled for years with how to define fiber and measure its health impact. It’s a tricky thing to conduct a fiber study. (Consider for a moment the logistics of organizing a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind, fecal-mass study.) Even when it comes to the natural, wholesome stuff, like oats and kidney beans, nutritionists don’t know for sure whether the health benefits derive from the fiber itself or from the collective impact of high-fiber foods.

The most recently accepted grouping by the Institute of Medicine divides fiber into two categories: dietary and functional. Dietary is the kind found naturally and intact in oat bran, whole wheat, beans, prunes, peas, and almonds, and other plants. Functional refers to both the synthetic variety like polydextrose as well as naturally occurring inulin, which is extracted and purified from chicory roots. Polydextrose shares with dietary fiber one fundamental property: It seems to rev up your GI tract. It does so, however, at a fraction of the level of wheat bran. And while diets heavy in oat bran have been shown to lower cholesterol levels and whole grains have been linked to lower risks of heart disease, there’s no evidence that polydextrose protects cardiovascular health.

A spokeswoman for Danisco, a leading producer of polydextrose, says it promotes digestive health but added: “Of course, it is harder to prove without doubt the health benefits of adding a single ingredient to the diet, than it is to prove the benefits of consuming natural fibers in fruits.” Studies on animals have shown that inulin has a pre-biotic effect by altering intestinal microflora, but the “potential beneficial effects in humans are not well understood,” according to a 2005 report by the IOM. But you wouldn’t know that from the FDA-approved food labels, which don’t distinguish between dietary and functional fiber. The FDA allows polydextrose to be labeled as a dietary fiber, just the same as whole oats. The same polydextrose products in Canada, which has tighter classification regulations, wouldn’t show the fiber content because Health Canada doesn’t consider polydextrose to be a dietary fiber. Naturally, food manufacturers in America are taking advantage of this loophole—to the distress of nutrition watchdog groups. “Companies are putting fiber into foods like cookies and ice cream and making people think these are healthy foods, when in fact they should be eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It’s dressing up junk food as health food,” says Bonnie Liebman, director of nutrition at the Center for Science in the Public Interest in Washington, D.C. “We have no idea if polydextrose has the same benefits as bran. It’s deceptive.” For example, Campbell’s V8 High Fiber, which Liebman calls “high fibber,” claims on its label to offer “20 percent of the recommended daily value” of fiber per 8-ounce glass. As Liebman pointed out in a recent report, the fiber that Campbell’s is talking about is maltodextrin, which she says has not been shown to have “any impact on regularity, or any aspect of digestive health.”

You may have seen the goofy Fiber One Yogurt commercial in which a supermarket employee watches an older woman wolf down yogurt after yogurt. “That’s her fourth free sample. … She’s almost had a whole day’s worth already,” he says, flabbergasted. “And I still can’t taste the fiber,” the woman replies incredulously. There’s a reason for that. The makers of Fiber One Yogurt haven’t invented some magically creamy and delicious version of wheat bran. They simply stuffed the yogurt with inulin. A spokeswoman for General Mills, the makers of the yogurt, defends the advertising by pointing to studies showing that inulin suppresses appetite and promotes regularity. Inulin has not been shown to reduce cholesterol levels or lower blood pressure and has a much smaller laxative effect than wheat bran, says Liebman.

Ironically, the rise of these faux-fibers is driven by the greater attention that consumers are paying to nutrition labels. The food companies, in other words, are teaching to the test. Whether it’s reducing fat and calories or adding fiber and vitamins, the industry is getting ever more clever at manipulating ingredients of snacks and other treats so that the stats mimic the nutritional data of fruits and vegetables. To be sure, the fortification of foods can facilitate healthier eating. There’s not much difference between getting your calcium from milk or from fortified orange juice. (Sometimes, the added nutrients may be beneficial on their own but not when they’re inserted into certain foods. The omega-3 fatty acids pumped into eggs, for example, don’t cancel out the cholesterol.)

The fiber trend is different and more worrisome. The benefits of “fiber” nutrients like polydextrose are questionable. The makers of Cocoa Pebbles admitted as much when asked about the use and promotion of polydextrose as a dietary fiber. “We are removing the polydextrose ingredient from Pebbles. That is actually happening now,” says Scott Monette, a spokesman for Ralcorp, which owns Post cereal brands. He says the company is instead fortifying the cereal with higher doses of vitamin D, which he describes as a “more timely and relevant” nutrient. Just last month, it was reported that vitamin D may protect against common colds and dementia.

That should ease my mind next time I rip open a box of Pebbles.

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Athletes Training Athletes Hip flexor stretch vs. Joint mobilization

30 December 2010 ~ 1 COMMENT

Joint Mobilization- Hip

In this post I’m going to show you a joint mobilization for the front of the hip/psoas area. To do it you’re going to need some elastic tubing/resistance band or a strap that someone else can hold for you.

The whole goal of this mob (mobilization) is to use the strap to glide the femur forward and then push your hips forward with it opening up that space at the front of the joint.

Key Points:

1) keep your back straight and abs tight. The first goal is to keep your hips level and back straight. If you can’t, work towards that before lunging forward. Squat down and then come back into the start position for reps.

2) the back leg should be completely relaxed. let the strap do the work for you.

3) This is not a traditional stretch. No hold time is required. Go for reps instead. 10-20 will do the trick. If you hit a pain point/strong stretch, stop there, hold for 1 second, and then repeat for the remainder of the reps. You don’t need to be a tough guy. You want this stuff to be repeatable. :)

4) Follow up with ice if you are hitting any sore/painful points. 10-15 minutes right on the front of the hip.

Progression (ways to increase stretch):

1) Start with the lunge position. 10 reps.

2) Start with the lunge position, move forward like you normally do, and then bring your arm up overhead and lean/side bend to the opposite side. This will increase the stretch on the upper psoas/hip flexor where it attaches to your lumbar spine. 10 reps.

3) Start with the lunge position, but before you move forward, bend the back knee up. You can either prop it on something or hold your ankle. If you do prop your foot up on something like a table or the wall, be sure to come up straight with your back BEFORE you move forward. This will greatly increase the pull in your thigh as the quads will be on maximal stretch up in to the hip. Start off easy and work your way up. 10 reps.

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One Response to “Joint Mobilization- Hip”

  1. Beth30 December 2010 at 2:46 pmPERMALINK

    Leigh! This is genius! I really needed this one. Thanks! -b


Ian Johnsen MSPT

19 March 2011 at 12:11 pm

A good effort Leigh, but the described and actual result of the task you are performing does not match.

A Joint mobilization is a term used for actually increasing the length/flexibility of the joint capsule. This may be a secondary effect of the dynamic stretch you describe, but a true joint mobilization requires placing the joint into what is referred to as a loose packed position and providing appropriate amounts of force graded at a level of 1-4. (The 1-4 represents the distance of travel/joint glide provided. The mobs are held for 10 seconds as noted in your link, but the joint needs to be totally relaxed.

The loose packed is the most open/decompressed position of the joint. The literature describes the position as an angle of abduction of about 30 degrees and slight flexion of about 10-20 degrees. This must be done at rest. There can’t be any effort on the part of the person being mobilized (ie: no muscular contraction and no loading of the joint with gravity)

You can achieve this at home, but it would be extremely difficult and not really safe without the proper information. A Therapist may be able to show you how to do this anterior mobilization, but this is rarely a necessity.

As a stretch this exercise is good, I like the focus on keeping the hips forward with the abs tight (even better if you can tilt the pelvis under/posteriorly with lower abdominal control), if you are really trying to increase range of motion for running/sport hold this for 30-60 seconds.

The main message here is that if you bounce or hold for 10 seconds and you’ve got the weight of gravity compressing the joint it’s more of a dynamic stretch and not a true passive joint mobilization, still a good exercise for flexibility!

Always check with your PT before doing advanced techniques, there are more effective ways to accomplish your goals, I’d hate for you to put in all this time and effort and not get the results you want/need.


Nice work overall!
Ian Johnsen MSPT

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So I’ve had a few climbers in the clinic as of late and I’ve worked side by side with another PT that avidly climbed during her lunch breaks which always amazed me in our line of work..(risks of overuse and all)  and wanted to share some thoughts about this awesome sport.  It’s pretty amazing when you think about it, we hop on a wall with or without a safety harness and start plotting out our paths. It’s a very thoughtful and introverted sport. I’ve climbed some, definitely not avidly, but enough to know a great challenge when I see one.

Here’s the rub…many of us need our hands to do our work…some more than others, so how do we keep from destroying our livelihoods while still having a bit of fun.  It all boils down to prevention, preparation, and moderation.  We are amazing machines, we can rebuild our own bodies without even realizing it, but we do have real limits.

The clues to doing this type of sport long-term as a recreational “player” lie in the exercise science literature related to tissue building and repair.  Here are the basics:

After a hard muscle-building weighted workout your body needs time to heal and repair.This healing process is typically  48 hours, this allows your body to transport the     appropriate proteins and actually rebuild the “torn down” muscle to even stronger than previous levels.  It’s pretty cool, every time you work out to your maximum levels your body responds by making you stronger.  No different for endurance activities like rock climbing…it takes longer to fatigue, but the body does the same thing after your workout…heals and heals stronger that is unless you do too much (bummer).

You can make this healing process more effective with the right foods/supplements. I encourage everyone to  consume the recommended levels of protein based on their weight and activity levels, this can be different for each athlete, but basically will range between 1.5 and 2.2grams of protein per lb of body weight, you can do a google search for the amount of protein in different foods/chicken/beef etc.  I’m vegetarian so it gets a bit more complicated in terms of finding useable proteins, but the information is out there.  The bottom line is you need to fuel the machine to keep it healthy, if you believe you need to be light to climb and you starve yourself to the same end you can be certain that an injury is just around the corner if you are a daily climber….Eat people! recap, if you have a job that requires hand use or your just crazy about climbing it’s a great idea to take a day off between serious bouts of climbing/exercise. Let the body heal and you’ll get better in terms of endurance even faster than a daily gym rat….

Pay attention to your body! If you feel something tweak call it a day, don’t try to push through it…as I said I’ve seen a couple of climbers over the years and the typical injury has been tendon overuse and tendon rupture. Rupture strictly due to daily overuse (the finger tendon actually gave out, and various other tendon overuse syndrome, most recently hamstring tendon overuse causing lateral knee pain due to multiple heel grabs.

If you want to be super safe, stay flexible and work on sport specific endurance muscle strength training.  If you do end up with a dinger and you can’t shake it with ice or ice massage go see a therapist, we have the tricks and tips to get you past the overuse injury.  Be safe and have fun and I won’t need to see you here!

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MPA-HCA_Stakeholders_supp budget cuts 12-17-10 _2_.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Here is the latest update on WA state medicaid services.

MPA-HCA_Stakeholders_supp budget cuts 12-17-10 _2_.pdf (application/pdf Object).

The good news is that many services will not be cut. For most of our medicaid folks though this could be all for not as the interpreter services are still on the chopping block for June 2011.

The big question? How does a Native Russian/Korean/Chinese or other speaker communicate with a local physician that can’t speak the same language. It may just be me, but i can’t communicate effectively through a son or a daughter when getting into in depth descriptions/instructions.   Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope they change their minds!


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What is a Physical Therapist?

Here’s what Webster’s will tell you:

Main Entry: physical therapy
Function: noun
Date: 1922

: the treatment of disease, injury, or disability by physical and mechanical means (as massage, regulated exercise, water, light, heat, and electricity)

physical therapist noun

This is an interesting definition….

Let’s expand. There are many different types of physical therapists and many specialize in the following areas:

Pediatric(working strictly with kids: May be working in a wide range of sub-specialties for example neurologic patients, amputees training in use of orthotics/prosthetics providing and fitting assistive devices/canes, walkers, crutches, wheelchairs. Patients with movement and sensory disorders training through structured play to increase strength, flexibility, balance, proprioception, coordination and more (I have been exposed to very little Pediatric care except for common muskuloskeletal injuries including the simple ankle sprain, rehab following casting to improve gait mechanics, foot orthotic fitting and structural alignment assessments for knee/ankle/foot pain. (Any input here from a current pediatric specialist would be greatly appreciated)

Acute Care(typically working in hospital rooms with patients recovering from almost any ailment that affects functional ability) These patients can be at extremely low levels of function, at times unable to move independently at all. The typical patient treatments may include assisting with bed mobility, teaching a surgical patient how to move the affected area safely, working on early joint range of motion, practicing sit to stand, walking with assistive aides walkers/canes/crutches, exercising in the bed or in a common gym, providing pain relief strategies like electrical stimulation, diathermy(heat lamp).  Often patients that cannot move at all and are too heavy will be moved from the bed to a chair with a hoyer lift (machine assisted lift/transfer device).  If the client is post cardiac surgery there may be close monitoring of oxygen levels while walking/exercising, supplemental oxygen may be provided. Again this is not my specific area of practice and any additional input from an acute care specialist would be welcome!

Outpatient Physical Therapy

Outpatient therapies vary greatly. You can see a sample list on our website here. Therapy Services

In a typical month I will have treated most joints and muscles in the body ankle, knee, hip, low back, neck, wrist, elbow,shoulder, jaw.  The joints themselves may be injured internally or it may be that surrounding tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments, connective tissues are damaged/painful.

Beyond joint, muscle and nerve injuries I may treat clients with acquired disorders, MS, Parkinson’s, Stroke/CVA/TIA/TBI, repetitive stress disorders, fibromyalgia, pulmonary dysfunction, Balance and fall disorders, BPPV (an acute balance and dizziness problem accompanied typically by positional Vertigo)

My job is to use special orthopedic tests to determine the affected structure, determine the cause(which is sometimes simple and sometimes disguised), and to come up with the most effective scientifically based treatment program for that individual.

There treatments themselves can take many forms but the broad general grouping of treatments in terms of service codes look like this:

Therapeutic Exercise(This is a huge topic and encompasses exercises for every muscle in the body and is very specific to the stage of injury/recovery/and goal of treatment.

Manual therapy (joint mobilization/soft tissue work/massage/muscle energy techniques, trigger point releases, kinesiotaping, McConnell taping, traction, compression, manual stretching, manually resisted strengthening, retrograde massage/lymphedema massage, cross friction massage to assist with ligamentous alignment and stronger healing.

Ultrasound (used for inflammation reduction, increased tissue metabolism or to warm up a specific tendon or ligament to allow for improved results with manual therapies.) Ultrasound has very specific setting requirements and in my experience even many seasoned therapists have been known to use inappropriate settings due to a lack of knowledge.

Electrical Stimulation-Utilized for blocking nerve conduction providing temporary relief from pain, used for “re-teaching” a muscle to contract if it has been unable due to disuse atrophy.  May increase circulation. This is often used on conjunction with hot or cold packs in 15-30minute intervals, the heat increases blood flow to the area and is typically applied to tight muscles, the ice is applied if there is active inflammation/swelling and the ice constricts the capillaries forcing the swelling (dead cells from tissue repair) out of the area. with the ice it is also helpful to elevate the affected area to drain even more of the fluid out of the limb.

A common myth is that you can gain strength with use of electrical stimulation at higher levels. The muscle visibly contracts and moves giving the impression of strength production but in reality you are simply exciting the nerve and stimulating a contraction of the muscle tissue.  (So throw away your abdominal stimulation belts unless you are completely unable to contract your abs due to immobilization!)  This is a good spot to add that attempting to lose weight in a specific body part-your abs/your thighs/butt is completely worthless. You will succeed in making the muscles larger and stronger, you may look slimmer in the waist with improved lowerabdominal strengthening, but you are unable to simply do sit-ups to lose belly fat or leg extensions to lose buttocks fat. The most effective way to lose this fat is to do aerobic exercise in combination with short intense bursts of anaerobic exercise (we’ll talk much more about this later because it is critical to reaching your weight loss goals!)

Iontophoresis-This is also an electrical treatment however the goal is to use the electricity to force a chemical through the skin into the underlying affected tissue (usually an inflammed ligament or tendon). This is a good alternative to a cortisone shot and can also be performed with ice application.  The typical chemicals used in our clinic are Dexamehasone and Haluronidase, these are both inflammation or edema reducers available by prescription from a physician). Many other chemicals can be used as well including Lidocaine for local anesthetic, Magnesium as a muscle relaxant, Zinc for assistance with dermal ulcers/wound healing.

Low Level Laser therapy-A relatively new treatment modality gaining popularity now that insurance companies are recognizing it as a reimbursable treatment. The idea is to reduce inflammation and promote healing, here are the current theories:

Theories include:
1. Increased ATP production by the mitochondria and increased oxygen consumption on the cellular level, which may result in muscle relaxation
2. Increased serotonin and increased endorphins
3. Increased anti-inflammatory effects through reduced prostaglandin synthesis
4. Improved blood circulation to the skin in cases like neuralgia and diabetes mellitus
5. Decreases permeability of the membrane of the nerve cells for Na/K causing hyperpolarisation
6. Increased lymphatic flow and decreased edema

Indications include carpal tunnel syndrome, joint disorders and tendinopathies, lateral and medial epicondylitis, osteoarthritis, low back pain, ankle sprains, venous ulcers, and decubitus ulcers. (Gam 1993) (Mulcahy 1995) (Simunovic 1996) (Schneider 1999) (Naerser 2002) (Gur 2003) (Brosseau 2004) (Lindstrom 2004)

Aquatic Therapy-Aquatic therapy is pretty interesting. The major benefits of water vs. land based exercises are that you are more bouyant (less stress on the joints), You can stay a bit cooler if the water temp is right, the water provides pressure on the parts of your body that are in the water which can help decrease swelling/edema in the limbs. The water also provides a ton of tissue contact (light touch sensation which can be useful for people with desensitized areas) and the water is good for balance work as well. Typical exercises may include water walking/jogging, use of various foam style weights or fins for the hands/feet to add pressure/resistance to an exercise, stretches, balance exercises, general range of motion exercise.  There is much more to this sub-specialty as well and any comments are appreciated.  Draw backs are that some clients are uncomfortable being in a swim suit in the pool, the upkeep of the pool can be quite expensive in terms of pool care and staffing needs. There are some smaller clinic based above ground pools with treadmills/jets but typically you will find larger pools at larger facilities.

Wound care-Not for the squeamish.  All PTs are trained in wound care, few choose to go into this area as a pure specialty.  Essentially we use our knowledge of histology (various tissue types muscle, nerve,connective tissue, skin at a microscopic level, here’s a link that can help explain further ).  We do a thorough evaluation of the wound to determine appropriate intervention and to rule out infection.  The wound (if appropriate is then cleaned either with sharp debridement or with other tools curettes, forceps or with various sterile solutions.  In many clinics the affected area may be placed in a sterile whirlpool prior to dressing the wound with appropriate bandages, in other clinics the wound is simply cleansed with sterile saline solutions and then treated with electrical stimulation or ultrasound and then bandaged appropriately.  Choosing the proper type of bandage is really the key to seeing progress in your wound closure. If the wound base (the good living growing cells in the wound) are not provided with enough moisture or too much moisture the wound can stall in it’s growth.  In the past many physicians would do what is known as a wet to dry bandage, placing dry gauze into a wound base, allowing it to dry and then rapidly pulling/removing the gauze which effectively removes dead as well as living tissue causing the wound to again stall.  There are multiple bandage types and it would serve you well to see a wound care specialist if your wound is delayed or if you have diabetes or other underlying metabolic disorders that are slowing the growth and healing process.  A good source in washington is the Washington Wound Care Clinic at Symmetry Physical Therapy,

Lympedema Massage and wrapping-The lymph system is a little known area of the body to most people until there is a problem with it.  Briefly, we have lymph nodes throughout our body which are linked by vessels, the vessels and nodes make up the lymph system. We often hear that cancer has metastasized to the lymph nodes, this is a huge problem because it can then be transported throughout the body.  Many women post mastectomy may end up with decreased lymph fluid return in the arm located on the same side as the removal of the breast tissue.  If there is a deficit in return of the lymph fluid in any of the limbs a Physical therapist can assist with manual lymph massage which is a very light style of massage which causes tissues to slightly tighten and force fluid back towards the center of the body where it can be more easily evacuated through the kidneys/urine.  The massage is done with the affected limb elevated and the patient laying down to let gravity assist. Once swelling is reduced a specialized compression wrap can be applied to keep the swelling down.  Again anyone with more specialized and understandable info???

Orthotic and Prosthetic fitting/fabrication/training-Prosthetics are made by prosthetists, for example someone has an amputation below the knee or above the knee and a prosthetic limb is made for the patient.  Typically the patient will see a physical therapist in the hospital for assistance with managing the stump in preparation for load bearing, once able the patient is placed in the prosthetic and retrained to use it, this can be pretty intense including gait training in parallel bars, strength and balance training under multiple conditions.

Orthotics can be made either by orthotists or in some cases by physical therapists, there are many types of orthoses for upper and lower body conditions. There are the common “orthotics” that we place in our shoes that can be custom made or store bought and there are specialized orthotics such as the ankle foot orthoses  used to control ankle position and allow for gait without toe drag in some cases and spinal orthoses such as the TSLO thoracic, sacral, lumbar orthoses used to counter spinal forces causing issues like scoliosis. The area of prosthetics and orthotics is quite specialized and typically advanced training is required.

Gait Training-Simple in theory, we retrain walking patterns/running patterns to approach pre-injury quality of movement to reduce the possibility of future injuries related to poor mechanics and postures.  Additionally we may provide assistive devices either temporarily or permanently to reduce excessive forces and to increase ease and safety of movement.  We may video the gait or simply observe the gait pattern prior to making adjustments/recommendations.  As an example following a hip replacement or knee replacement surgery the client may require a walker initially moving to a cane and then to free gait over a period of time, we need to continue to evaluate the need and progression from one device to another and eliminate devices as required for these individuals.  Taking a cane away too soon could result in continued poor movement patterns or overuse injuries of recovering musculature thereby increasing recovery time unnecessarily.

Self-care instruction-This could be as simple as instructing to ice 3 times per day over a period of 3days or could be advanced to the point of providing a complete care progression plan for a client without the means to attend therapy on a regular basis. We may advise on such things as exercise progressions, when to use moist heat, cold packs or ice massages, ergonomic solutions, wound care instructions, self application of electrical stimulation, traction devices and many additional items.  It’s essentially what you require of the client/patient when not actively engaged in the treatment session.

Traction and Compression-Traction can be done passively by a machine or actively by your therapist and is an attempt to open a joint or increase space between joints to decrease pressure and hopefully pain. Typical mechanical traction devices will address the neck and the low back, manual traction can be applied to these regions as well but can additionally be applied to almost any joint in the body.  Beyond traction most physical therapists will utilize joint mobilization techniques in the outpatient setting to achieve increased joint mobility, decreased pain etc.  Compression therapy refers to applying pressure surrounding a limb typically for fluid reduction.

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Hello world!

Welcome to my PT blog!  I am hoping to use this as an informational learning platform for those interested in how the body works and how to speed up and get the best possible healing result following an injury/accident/surgery and a wide variety of conditions.  I will do my best to give scientifically based information without boring you to death and will leave the blog open for all to discuss results and add their own input.

I’m going to start you out with what a PT is  and how I approach the treatment process. (Keep in mind that PT is a bit of an art and a science, we develop strategies with scientific background and tweak our treatments for every individual we approach to match that individual’s learning style personality, and tolerance for treatment).

Once we’ve established the PT’s role we’ll delve into a bit more of the basics regarding the healing processes and how we can apply those general principles to almost any injury/condition. I’ll cover injuries by area of the body starting with some of the most common and get more specific as time progresses.

Most of all I want this to be a place you can come for sound advice.  I’ll cover general health, wellness, prevention, nutrition, exercise and more as time progresses.

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